Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Amir & Diarrhoea

semalam amir kena diarrhoea ataupun dipanggil cirit-birit dalam bahasa melayu kite. die kena since pagi tapi babysitter cuma inform Pak Pent pukul 4 ptg. lepas dpt msg dari Pak Pent, aku terus call babysitter. rupa2nye, dari pagi si amir mengulang ke toilet sampai tak larat babysitter tu basuh "b....t" si amir. najis pun keluar air jer. aku kat office dah tak senang duduk. mula berfikir, apa la penyebab si amir kena cirit-birit. macam entry aku sebelum ni, amir mana makan, cuma melantak susu je tiap2 hari. last2 aku teringat, mesti pasal air yogurt "Calciyum". huhu, kesian anak aku. menyesal lak aku belikan air yogurt semalam.

sampai je rumah babysitter, aku tgk amir tgh tido. and the sad thing is, die tido pun boleh buang air besar. dlm pampers ade his liquid stool. so, Pak Pent terpaksa kejutkan die untuk basuh "b....t" die. lepas cuci, kami terus balik rumah. dekat rumah aku tgk amir masih aktif, dlm hati terdetik, "betul ke cirit-birit?". humm... budak2 kan, walaupun sakit, masih jugak aktif. melainkan betul2 lemah, baru la die baring all the time. but, luckily, his last shot was on 8.00 p.m. membuatkan aku lebih yakin, it's all because of Calciyum yogurt drinks.

p/s: Diarrhoea is the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual. It is usually a symptom of gastrointestinal infection, which can be caused by a variety of bacterial, viral and parasitic organisms. Infection is spread through contaminated food or drinking-water, or from person to person as a result of poor hygiene.
Severe diarrhoea leads to fluid loss, and may be life-threatening, particularly in young children and people who are malnourished or have impaired immunity.


dieya said...

dear.. you new layout ni susah nak baca laa. dahlaa background nyer kelabu, font pun kelabu juga.. aduh.. macam buat eye test rabun warna. nak request tukar font color boleh?

azrin said...

dah tukar dah.... komen la kalau masih x ok... sedang process ubah suai...